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Tag: DRB

DRB ban against junior talent unlawful

DRB ban against junior talent unlawful

Junior Eisleber wrestling talent Dominik Klann heard with disbelief and slight despair of his suspension by the German Wrestling League. According to the GWL Dominik is not allowed to compete in neither team nor individual wrestling events in Germany for a period of 10 months. This would mean he will be barred from starting in the German Junior Championships this weekend and that only because he competed for the KAV in the newly formed German Wrestling League. Andreas Kraus, KAV…

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Wrestling league hopeful after today’s meeting with the German Wrestling Association – foundation for further steps laid

Wrestling league hopeful after today’s meeting with the German Wrestling Association – foundation for further steps laid

The German Wrestling League (DRL) remains hopeful after today’s meeting with the German Wrestling Association (DRB) in Bad Mergentheim. „There was an exchange of ideas, which will build the foundation for the next steps,“ says Markus Scheu, Managing Director of DRL. The exact contents of the meeting were not disclosed. The foundation of this meeting is the agreement reached at the Nuremberg Regional Court in late July „The two parties agree on early talks with the aim of creating a…

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Early talks with the German Wrestling Association arranged – DRL satisfied with process result

Early talks with the German Wrestling Association arranged – DRL satisfied with process result

The German Wrestling League is highly satisfied with the result of today’s case against the German Wrestling Assocoation at the Nuremberg-Fürth district court. Through the agreement: „The two parties agree on early joint discussions, with the aim of a common concept“, the court’s wish for a future in terms of the wrestling sport was taken into account. For the DRL, this also means the recognition of being an eye-to-eye conversation partner with the association in regards to the direction of…

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