DRB ban against junior talent unlawful

DRB ban against junior talent unlawful

Junior Eisleber wrestling talent Dominik Klann heard with disbelief and slight despair of his suspension by the German Wrestling League. According to the GWL Dominik is not allowed to compete in neither team nor individual wrestling events in Germany for a period of 10 months. This would mean he will be barred from starting in the German Junior Championships this weekend and that only because he competed for the KAV in the newly formed German Wrestling League.

Andreas Kraus, KAV Manager, finds this unbelievable. So many talks were held with Jannis Zamanduridis, sports director of the German Wrestling Union, to discuss the new German Olympic Sports Confederation’s concept to further young talent, which aims to ready up-and-coming athletes for international competitions. After all it is them who are supposed to bring home the medals one day. Dominik’s participation in the GWL was part of this concept. Kraus said: ‘It is here where international top athletes meet. To further themselves in their chosen sport they need to be given the opportunity to compare with the best. The GWL offers various options here but the GWU counteracts its own goals.’

The KAV couldn’t just accept this suspension as it affects exactly the wrong person. The GWU should not involve those in disputes with individual clubs who have no part in it and who are after all providing the GWU with their sporting success.

With an expedited procedure at the county court Nurnberg, Sven Nagel who specialises in sports law and is a former wrestler himself applied for a lifting of the suspension of Dominik. On Thursday this application was granted in full.

Markus Scheu, Manager of the GWL welcomed the decision of the county court Nurnberg and sees the legal opinion of the GWL confirmed. He also clarified that the community of the GWL clubs successfully protects its athletes. The court decision is de facto advertising for the GWL and establishes legal security for the athletes who start in the GWL. Even before this decision the WWU had already lifted its sanctions against international GWL wrestlers. For unknown reasons the GWU resisted this decision by the WWU and insisted on its sanctions against German athletes.

It is to be hoped that Dominik can now put away those disputes and concentrate on his sporting abilities. He already proved himself when he participated in the European Championships in 2014 and 2015 and with his two German champion titles in A Youth.

We wish him now every success in the German Championships!

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